Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a new kind of network. It has been used in military operations, environment observing, transport maintenance, healthy guard and so on. As the development of networks, the problem of security in WSN has become more and more evident. Wireless Sensor Networks face the threats of packets dropping, fabricating or tampering. Most of existing cheap men's nike shoes methods, which can detect and locate malicious nodes, rely on special hardware facilities, mechanism of node monitoring, encryption and authentication technology. These methods greatly increase the sensor's price or computing and communicating cost in WSN.In this ralph lauren polo shirts paper, we summarize the typical attack models in WSN and the corresponding defending and detecting strategies, and then compare the strategies with each other to find out their advantages and shorts. Further more, the security research problems faced recently and the further researches in WSN are chi hair straightener pointed outA new malicious nodes detection method, which is based on source coding and multi-path transmission, is proposed. The source node encodes the messages and sends the encoded messages to sink node along disjoint discount wedding dresses multi-path. After receiving the messages, sink node can decode them and detect whether there are malicious nodes in the network according to comparing the custom made prom dresses decoded messages.Based on the method of detecting malicious nodes proposed in this paper, a new method of locating malicious nodes is proposed, which is implemented by local nodes monitoring and detection replies analyzing. Compared with other mechanisms, the mechanism this paper proposed does not need special hardware, encryption or authentication technology.In the end, this paper concludes its contribution and future research direction.